Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Finger Multiplication

Tobias Dantzig makes mention of the lost art of finger multiplication in his book Number: The Language of Science, first published in 1930.  "Finger counting is a lost art among modern civilized people ... only a few hundred years ago finger counting was such a widespread custom in Western Europe that no manual of arithmetic was complete unless it gave full instructions in the method."  Using the method of finger multiplication, you can find the product of the numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9 with just your own ten fingers and a knowledge of the addition and multiplication tables up to five.

To use finger multiplication, hold out your hands palm down, label your thumbs 6, your index fingers 7, your middle fingers 8, your ring fingers 9, and your pinky fingers 10, and touch the tips of the two fingers that correspond with the two numbers you are multiplying together.  Then count all the fingers including and below the two fingers touching together and multiply that number by ten, and add to it the product of the left fingers above the two fingers touching together and the right fingers above the two fingers touching together. 

For example, let’s say you wanted to multiply 8 x 9.  You would hold your hands out palm down, and touch the tip of your left middle finger (which corresponds with 8) with the tip of your right ring finger (which corresponds with 9).  Including and below these two fingers there are a total of 7 fingers, and 7 x 10 = 70.  There are 2 fingers above the two fingers touching together on the left hand and 1 finger above the two fingers touching together on the right hand, and 2 x 1 = 2.  Adding these two numbers together gives 70 + 2 = 72.  So 8 x 9 = 72.

Or let’s say you wanted to multiply 6 x 7.  You would hold your hands out palm down, and touch the tip of your left thumb (which corresponds with 6) with the tip of your right index finger (which corresponds with 7).  Including and below these two fingers there are a total of 3 fingers, and 3 x 10 = 30.  There are 4 fingers above the two fingers touching together on the left hand and 3 fingers above the two fingers touching together on the right hand, and 4 x 3 = 12.  Adding these two numbers together gives 30 + 12 = 42.  So 6 x 7 = 42.

In general, if we want to multiply a x b using finger multiplication, then there are a – 5 fingers and b – 5 fingers including and below the two fingers touching together and 10 – a fingers and 10 – b fingers above the two fingers touching together.  The sum of all the fingers including and below the two fingers touching together and multiplying by ten can be represented as 10(a – 5 + b – 5), and the product of the left fingers above and the right fingers above can be represented as (10 – a)(10 – b).  Adding these together and simplifying would give 10(a – 5 + b – 5) + (10 – a)(10 – b) = (10a – 50 + 10b – 50) + (100 – 10a – 10b + ab) = ab, which is why finger multiplication works.

There is an easier method of finger multiplication, but it only works if one of the factors is 9.  Hold your hands out, count off the other factor you want to multiply by 9, and put that finger down.  Then the product will be the number of fingers to the left times ten plus the number of fingers to the right.

For example, let’s say you wanted to multiply 3 x 9.  You would hold your hands out and put down the third finger from the left (the left hand middle finger).  There are 2 fingers to the left and 7 fingers to the right, and 2 x 10 + 7 = 27.  So 3 x 9 = 27.

Or let’s say you wanted to multiply 8 x 9.  You would hold your hands out and put down the eighth finger from the left (the right hand middle finger).  There are 7 fingers to the left and 2 fingers to the right, and 7 x 10 + 2 = 72.  So 8 x 9 = 72.

In general, if we want to multiply a x 9 using finger multiplication for nines, then there are a – 1 fingers to the left of the finger that is down and 10 – a fingers to the right of the finger that is down.  The number of fingers to the left times ten plus the number of fingers to the right can be represented as 10(a – 1) + (10 – a).  Simplifying would give 10a – 10 + 10 – a = 9a, which is why this method of finger multiplication for nines also works.

As observed by Dantzig, finger multiplication is a dying art.  Few people know how to use finger multiplication for nines, and even fewer know how to use finger multiplication for the numbers six through nine.  It is likely that finger multiplication is no longer taught in schools anymore because for most people it takes just as much effort to memorize the multiplication table up to ten than to remember all the steps involved for finger multiplication.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Calculating a Square Root

In Terry Pratchett’s book Hogfather, a series of hilarious events leads a professor named Ponder Stibbons to wait up for the Disc World’s version of Santa Claus.  “I’m waiting for the Hogfather, thought Ponder Stibbons.  I’m in the dark waiting for the Hogfather.  Me.  A believer in Natural Philosophy.  I can find the square root of 27.4 in my head. (He’d have to admit that the answer would be ‘five and a bit,’ but at least he could come up with it.)  I shouldn’t be doing this.”

This begs the question: how do you find the square root of any number in your head?  Like Ponder Stibbons, we can easily find the closest square number and get a good estimate: 27.4 is just over 25, which is 52, so the square root of 27.4 is “5 and a bit.”  But is there an algorithm for finding the square root of any number mentally, or with paper and a pencil?  These days it’s so easy to mindlessly plug in the problem into a nearby calculator (on a cell phone, tablet, or computer) that we don’t stop to think about how it can be done.

There are actually several different ways of calculating a square root of a number, but we will focus on one particular method.  First, start by guessing an answer.  (The closer the guess is to the correct answer, the less steps we will need to take in the long run.)  Let’s guess that the square root of 27.4 is 5.  Second, we divide our guess into the number being square-rooted.  In our example, 27.4 divided by 5 is 5.48.  Therefore, we know that the square root of 27.4 is somewhere between 5 and 5.48.  Third, we will take the average of those two numbers (5.24) and repeat the process with 5.24 as our new guess.  Here is the result of a few rounds of calculations:

27.4 / 5 = 5.48
27.4 / 5.24 = 5.229007634
27.4 / 5.234503817 = 5.234498046
27.4 / 5.234500931 = 5.234500931

In this case, after the second round of calculations we have an answer that is accurate to five decimal places, and after the third round of calculations we have an answer that is accurate to at least nine decimal places.

Some of us may be able to do the first round of calculations for finding a square root in our heads, but even Professor Ponder Stibbons would have a difficult time with subsequent rounds.  In our example above, dividing 27.4 by 5.24 is no easy task (although it can be done).  Now the question becomes: how can we program a computer to find a square root using only the basic mathematical functions?

Algebraically, we can express this process as an iterated function.  Let p equal the number to be square rooted, x equal the guess, and y equal the square root.  Then y is the average of p/x and x, or y = (p/x + x) / 2, or y = p + x^2/2x.  In our case above, p = 27.4 and x0 = 5, which means x1 = 27.4 + 5^2/2∙5 = 5.24, x2 = 27.4 + 5.24^2/2∙5.24 = 5.234503817, and so on.  The actual square root would be the fixed point of this iterated function, which can be found by letting y = x.  Therefore, y = p + y^2/2y, and multiplying both sides by 2y, 2y2 = p + y2, and subtracting y2 from both sides, y2 = p or y = √p.  Since we have expressed this process as an iterated function, the first round’s solution can be represented as x1 = (p + x02)/(2x0), the second round’s solution as x2 = (p + x12)/(2x1), the third round’s solution as x3 = (p + x22)/(2x2), and so on.  Using substitution and a little bit of algebra, we can deduce that x2 = (p2 + 6px02 + x04)/(4x0(p + x0^2)) and x3 = (p4 + 28p3x02 + 70p2x04 + 28px06 + x08)/(4x0(p + x02)(p2 + 6px02 + x04)), where each equation is a closer and closer approximation to y = √p.  In fact, using x0 = 5, the graph of x3 and √p are nearly indistinguishable from about 0 < p < 250, and x3 > √p when p > 250.

Graph of x3 when x0 = 5 and y = √p
(0 < p < 900, 0 < y < 30)

The equation for x2 or x3 may give a good approximation of a square root for numbers less than 250, but we ought to have something that works well for all numbers.  Fortunately, iterated functions are loops, and pretty much all computer programs can loop the same set of commands until a certain criteria is met.  In this case, we would want the computer to loop through the formula p + x^2/2x for subsequent terms of x until the same decimal approximation is reached for two subsequent terms.  The following is a program that does exactly that in the computer language Python:

#Square Root Function
#Python 2.7.3

#function to determine if a string is a number
def is_number (n):
    #if the number can successfully change into a float then return true
        return True
    #otherwise return false.
        return False

#function to determine if a number is positive
def is_positive (n):
    #first check to make sure n is really a number
    if (is_number(n)):
        #if the number is less than zero then return false
        if (float(n) < 0):
            return False
        #otherwise return true
            return True
    #if n is not a number return false
        return False

#function to find the square root without using a built-in square root function
def square_root (p):
    #first check to make sure p is a positive number
    if is_positive(p):
        #assign variables
        p = float(p)
        r = 9 #number of decimal places to round to
        x_old = 5 #starting guess for x0
        #loop values in y = (p + x^2)/(2x) until x_old = x_new (rounded)
        while True:
            #find x_new using y = (p + x^2)/(2x)
            x_new = (p + x_old * x_old) / (2 * x_old)
            #round x_old and x_new
            x_old_round = "{:.{prec}f}".format(x_old, prec=r)
            x_new_round = "{:.{prec}f}".format(x_new, prec=r)
            #if x_old and x_new are equal, then stop and return value
            if (x_old_round == x_new_round):
                return float(x_new_round)
            #make x_old the x_new value and start the loop over again
            x_old = x_new
    #if p is not a positive number then return an error message
        return "ERROR"

Running the above program and typing in the command to use the square_root function for 27.4 results in the following answer:


This accurate and quick result only needed about 50 lines of code (and only 30 lines if you take out all the comments).

Therefore, there is an easy algorithm for finding the square root of a number.  If you are good at mental math and can remember the formula p + x^2/2x, you could even impress your friends by finding the square root to the nearest hundredth place (well, at least Ponder Stibbons would be impressed).  But the best approximation for a square root requires several iterations of the formula p + x^2/2x which can be done quickly with a short computer program.