Monday, July 18, 2022

Progression of a Trig Solution

On my last birthday, one of my more mathematical-minded friends posted the following picture on my Facebook page:

Since I love solving trigonometry problems, I immediately tried to solve it.

First Attempt: Law of Sines

At first glance, I noticed that if I assigned one of the missing angles with a variable, I could use some angle sum properties to label every other angle in terms of that variable.  Letting AKC = t, I found that DKG = 60° – t, ACK = 150° – t, KCD = t + 30°, KDC = 90° – t, and KDG = t + 90°.

I also noticed that since A = G = 30°, △AKG is an isosceles triangle, so I labeled AK = KG = y.

Since I had a lot of angles and sides opposite to each other, I used the law of sines on AKC and DKG to obtain two equations with two variables:

which can be solved numerically to t ≈ 7.589 and y ≈ 60.044.

Then since AK cos 30° = ½ AG, by substitution 60.044 cos 30° = ½ (13 + x + 48), and this can be solved to x = 43.

While the answer amusingly worked out to my age, the process involving complicated decimals through numerical methods was less than satisfactory.  I wondered if there was a better way to arrive at the solution.

Second Attempt: Law of Cosines

The next logical attempt after trying the law of sines was to try the law of cosines.  With the knowledge that t works out to a random decimal, I decided to try and avoid that and stick to the integer angles of 30° and 60° instead.

By the law of cosines on ACK, CK2 = AK2 + AC2 – 2 AK AC cos 30° = y2 + 169 – 13√3y.

By the law of cosines onDGK, DK2 = GK2 + DG2 – 2 GK DG cos 30° = y2 + 2304 – 48√3y.

By the law of cosines onCDK, CD2 = CK2 + DK2 – 2 CK DK cos 60° = CK2 + DK2 – CK DK.

By substitution on the last equation, x2 = y2 + 169 – 13√3y + y2 + 2304 – 48√3y – √(y2 + 169 – 13√3y) √(y2 + 2304 – 48√3y).

Also, since AK cos 30° = ½ AG then y cos 30° = ½ (13 + x + 48) or y = (x + 61) / √3.

After substitution, the equation can be (eventually) manipulated to (x – 43)(x + 43)(61x + 1849) = 0, which solves to x = 43 for x > 0.

Although this method was long, it did eliminate the need for numerical methods with complicated decimals, so that was a little better.  I noticed that there were several iterations of the form 13 and 48 throughout this method, so I wondered if a general solution where a = 13 and b = 48 could shed some light onto why the solution worked out to such a nice integer.

Third Attempt: Law of Cosines with General Variables

Using the same steps from before, but with a = 13 and b = 48, then:

By the law of cosines on ACK, CK2 = AK2 + AC2 – 2 AK AC cos 30° = y2 + a2 a√3y.

By the law of cosines onDGK, DK2 = GK2 + DG2 – 2 GK DG cos 30° = y2 + b2 b√3y.

By the law of cosines onCDK, CD2 = CK2 + DK2 – 2 CK DK cos 60° = CK2 + DK2 – CK DK.

By substitution on the last equation, x2 = y2 + a2 a√3y + y2 + b2 b√3y – √(y2 + a2 a√3y) √(y2 + b2 b√3y).

Also, since AK cos 30° = ½ AG then y cos 30° = ½ (a + x + b) or y = (x + a + b) / √3.

After substitution, the equation can be (eventually) manipulated to (x – √(a2 + b2 – ab))(x + √(a2 + b2 – ab))((a + b)x + (a2 + b2 – ab)) = 0, which solves to x = √(a2 + b2 – ab) for x > 0.

Now I recognized that the general solution x = √(a2 + b2 – ab) can be re-written as x = √(a2 + b2 – 2 ab cos 60°), the law of cosines for a 60° triangle!  But why are the segments a, b, and c linear in the diagram, and not part of a 60° triangle?  Can the diagram be manipulated to make solving it easier?

Fourth Attempt: Diagram Manipulation

I noticed that since AK = KG, ACK can be rotated so that AK matches up to KG:

Then KGC’ = DGK + KGC’ = 30° + 30° = 60°, and DKC’ = DKG + GKC’ = (60° – t) + t = 60°.

Now here’s something interesting: DKC DKC’ by SAS (DK = DK, DKC = DKC’ = 60°, and KC = KC’), so that DC’ = CD = x.

Then by the law of cosines on DGC’, x = √(DG2 + GC’2 – 2 DG GC’ cos 60°) = √(482 + 132 – 48 13) = 43.

This method was much easier and much more elegant than the other methods!

Extending the Problem

I’m always looking to find new trig problems to either give to my math students or to post on math forums, especially one with a clever solution like this one.  There are plenty of other 60° triangle integer triples that could have been used, like (3, 8, 7), (5, 8, 7), (7, 15, 13), etc. (see here for more), but I liked the following problem because of its unexpected solution:

This can be manipulated as:

so that by the law of cosines on DGC’, √2 = √(x2 + 12 – 2 x 1 cos 60°), which for x > 0 solves to x = ½(1 + √5) = φ, the golden ratio!

Similar problems with different angles can also be created.  For example, this problem features an equilateral triangle, where the base angles are 60° and the top middle angle is 30°:

This can be manipulated as follows:

so that by the law of cosines on DGC’, x = √(32 + 52 – 2 3 5 cos 120°) = 7.

Finally, this problem features an isosceles right triangle, where the base angles and the top middle angle are all 45°:

Its diagram can be manipulated as follows:

so that by the Pythagorean Theorem on DGC’, x = √(52 + 122) = 13.  (Interestingly, since this solution only uses triangle congruency and the Pythagorean Theorem, this problem could have been solved by the ancient Greeks!)


There are often different ways to solve a trig problem, with some more difficult than others.  It can be extremely satisfying if you are able to find a clever and easy solution, especially after several attempts at a problem.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Epicycloids and Hypocycloids

In the book Trigonometric Delights by Eli Maor, there is a chapter on epicycloids and hypocycloids and their many fascinating properties.

These properties are illustrated with both descriptions and diagrams, which is the best a book can do, but require an active imagination to visualize each moving part.  Fortunately in the last two decades since Trigonometric Delights was written, programs for making animated diagrams have become more and more accessible, and I was able to use the free websites and to make some animated epicycloids and animated hypocycloids to better illustrate these theorems.


A hypocycloid can be formed by tracing the path of a point on a small circle that is rolling on the inside of a larger circle, similar to a design that can be made with spirograph. 

Although different hypocycloids can be made by varying the radii of each circle, all of them can be described by parametric equations.  Consider the following diagram, where R is the radius of the large circle and r is the radius of the small circle:

The coordinates of P relative to C are P(r cos Φ, -r sin Φ) and the coordinates of C relative to O are C((R – r) cos θ, (R – r) sin θ) so that the coordinates of P relative to O are:

x = (R – r) cos θ + r cos Φ

y = (R – r) sin θ – r sin Φ

However, from the rolling motion, arc PQ’ = arc QQ’, and since PQ’ = Rθ and QQ’ = r(θ + Φ), that means Rθ = r(θ + Φ), which rearranges to Φ = (R – r)/r · θ.  Substituting Φ into the equations above gives the parametric equations for a hypocycloid:

x = (R – r) cos θ + r cos (R – r)/r · θ

y = (R – r) sin θ – r sin (R – r)/r · θ

If the larger circle is twice as big as the smaller circle, then R = 2r, and the equations become:

x = 2r cos θ

y = 0

which traces a horizontal line segment along the diameter:

If the larger circle is four times as big as the smaller circle, then R = 4r, and the equations become:

x = 3r cos θ + r cos 3θ

y = 3r sin θ – r sin 3θ

which traces an astroid:

Double Generation Theorem of Hypocycloids

In 1725, Daniel Bernoulli discovered the double generation theorem of hypocycloids: a circle of radius r1 rolling on the inside of a fixed circle of radius R generates the same hypocycloid as does a circle of radius r2 = R – r1 rolling inside the same fixed circle.

For example, here is the astroid again, the hypocycloid made by circles with radii R = 1 and r1 = ¼:

and the following is the same astroid formed by circles with radii R = 1 and r2 = R – r1 = 1 – ¼ = ¾, but with the smaller circle moving in the opposite direction: 

and here are both animations at the same time:

Here is the double generation theorem illustrated by circles with radii R = 1, r1 = 2/5, and r2 = 3/5: 

and here it is illustrated by circles with radii R = 1, r1 = 2/7, and r2 = 3/7:

The double generation theorem of hypocycloids can be proved by algebraic manipulation.  The hypocycloid formed by the circles with radii R and r2 has the parametric equations:

x = (R – r2) cos θ2 + r2 cos (R – r2)/r2 · θ2

y = (R – r2) sin θ2 – r2 sin (R – r2)/r2 · θ2

Replacing r2 = R – r1 and θ2 = 2πp – (R – r1)/r1 · θ1 (where p is an integer) and then simplifying gives: 

x = (R – r1) cos θ1 + r1 cos (R – r1)/r1 · θ1

y = (R – r1) sin θ1 – r1 sin (R – r1)/r1 · θ1

which are the parametric equations for the hypocycloid formed by the circles with radii R and r1.


An epicycloid can be formed by tracing the path of a point on a small circle that is rolling on the outside of a larger circle: 

Using a similar argument as the hypocycloid, but adding r to R instead of subtracting r from R, the parametric equations for the epicycloid can be found to be: 

x = (R + r) cos θ – r cos (R + r)/r · θ

y = (R + r) sin θ – r sin (R + r)/r · θ

An epicycloid can also be formed by tracing the path of a point on a large circle that is rolling around a fixed smaller circle in its interior:

If r is the radius of the large circle and R is the radius of the fixed smaller circle, the parametric equations for this type of epicycloid can be found to be: 

x = r cos (r – R)/r · θ – (r – R) cos θ

y = r sin (r – R)/r · θ – (r – R) sin θ

Double Generation Theorem of Epicycloids

As alluded to in the epicycloid animations above, there is a double generation theorem for epicycloids: a circle of radius r1 rolling on the outside of a fixed circle of radius R generates the same epicycloid as does a circle of radius r2 = R + r1 rolling around the same fixed circle in its interior. 

 When the circles have radii R = 1, r1 = 1, and r2 = 2, the epicycloid traced is a cardioid:

And here is an epicycloid traced by circles with radii R = 1, r1 = 2/5, and r2 = 7/5:

Just like hypocycloids, the double generation theorem for epicycloids can be proved by algebraic manipulation.  The epicycloid formed by a large circle with a radius of r2 rotated around a fixed circle with a radius of R has the parametric equations:

x = r2 cos (r2 – R)/r2 · θ2 – (r2 – R) cos θ2

y = r2 sin (r2 – R)/r2 · θ2 – (r2 – R) sin θ2

Replacing r2 = R + r1 and θ2 = (R + r1)/r1 · θ1 and then simplifying gives:

x = (R + r1) cos θ1 – r1 cos (R + r1)/r1 · θ1

y = (R + r1) sin θ1 – r1 sin (R + r1)/ r1 · θ1

which are the parametric equations for the epicycloid formed by a circle with radius r1 rotating around a fixed circle with a radius of R.


Epicycloids and hypocycloids have many fascinating properties, as described by Eli Maor in his book Trigonometric Delights.  My hope is that these animated diagrams will help people understand these properties better, and give a better appreciation for mathematics in general.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Proving Common Trig Identities with Circle Theorems

I just re-read Trigonometric Delights by Eli Maor, and in the middle of his historical account of mathematics, he gives creative proofs for some common trigonometric identities based solely on Greek circle theorems.

Using the inscribed angle theorem, Ptolemy’s Theorem, and Thales’s Theorem, Maor is able to prove the law of sines, the angle addition and subtraction formulas for sine, the Pythagorean Theorem, and the Pythagorean identity of sine and cosine.  His proofs are outlined below.


Consider the following triangle that is inscribed in a circle:

By the inscribed angle theorem, AOB = 2ACB = 2γ.

Since OM bisects AOB = 2γ, MOB = γ.

Then from ΔOMB,

which rearranges to:

By a similar argument,



which proves the law of sines.

If 2r = 1, then a = sin α, b = sin β, and c = sin γ.  In other words, the side of an inscribed triangle in a circle with a unit diameter is equal to the sine of its opposite angle.


Now consider the following diagram, where AC = 1:

Since 2r = 1, then as shown above BD is equal to the sine of its opposite angle, so BD = sin(α + β).

From ΔABC, cos α = AB/AC = AB/1 = AB and sin α = BC/AC = BC/1 = BC. 

Similarly from ΔADC, AD = cos β and CD = sin β.

But by Ptolemy’s Theorem

AC · BD = AB · CD + BC · DA

and after substituting the sine and cosine values, 

1 · sin(α + β) = cos α · sin β + sin α · cos β

which proves the angle addition formula for sine


Similarly, consider the following diagram, where AD = 1:

Now BC is equal to the sine of its opposite angle, so BC = sin(α – β). 

From ΔABD, cos α = AB/AD = AB/1 = AB and sin α = BD/AD = BD/1 = BD. 

Similarly from ΔACD, AC = cos β and CD = sin β.

But by Ptolemy’s Theorem

AC · BD = AB · CD + BC · DA

and after substituting the sine and cosine values,

cos β · sin α = cos α · sin β + sin (α – β) · 1

which rearranges to:

sin(α – β) = sin α · cos β – cos α · sin β

which proves the angle subtraction formula for sine.


Lastly, consider the following diagram of rectangle ABCD inscribed in a circle:

By the properties of a rectangle, AB = CD and AD = BC.

By Thales’s Theorem, AC and BD are diameters, so AC = BD.

By Ptolemy’s Theorem

AC · BD = AB · CD + BC · DA

and after substituting AB = CD, AD = BC, and AC = BD,

(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2

which proves the Pythagorean Theorem.


Furthermore, if AC = 1, then cos α = AB/AC = AB/1 = AB and sin α = BC/AC = BC/1 = BC.

Substituting AC = 1, AB = cos α, and BC = sin α into the Pythagorean Theorem gives:

1 = cos2α + sin2α

which proves the Pythagorean identity of sine and cosine.


Today’s math textbooks also have proofs for these trigonometric identities, but they are typically long and cumbersome.  Maor’s proofs are much more elegant, and also logically flow from a historical perspective.